The Garden of Alchemy

The Garden of Alchemy is a heart-led business that holds ceremony at the centre of its ethos. We believe that healing and growth are natural by-products of a life in balance. This balance is maintained by mental, emotional and spiritual principles and practises, that lay the foundations for a healthy purpose lead life.

As therapists, we work with plant medicine as our support systems, guides and allies. All healing and growth happens in the container of ceremony because this is where connection is restored. When we are connected, we are empowered, clear and, wise. We learn how to deeply listen and trust ourselves and discover that all we ever needed was always there, hidden deep inside us.

Visit our ceremony site to view our offerings:

Times are changing.

We are living in times of great change and great stress; having a dependable practise to help ground and reconnect you is a must. After holding space for over 20 years working with many different people, what stands out is the excitement and empowerment people discovered when going back home to create their own ceremonies. We felt honoured to see clients use our products to transform themselves in the comfort of their own home. It felt like a widening community of healing action.

About our plant medicines

By working with our products we hope you will feel the alchemy and artistry in these divinely inspired creations, touching your senses and your heart. All products are designed to be used in ceremony and to take ceremony with you wherever you go. We encourage you to use them to reflect and share with your friends and family. Enjoy the subtle but profound use of plant medicines, from the simplest tea to the most intimate cacao ceremony.

Allow plant essences to carry your emotions and our smoke blends to cleanse your restoring sense of self. Allow yourself to play and experiment in creating a personal form of ceremony that works for you.

Sourcing our products

The Garden of Alchemy Apothecary creates products using the finest ingredients, always organic, ethically and sustainably sourced where possible. We not only source the finest ingredients, everything about their production is steeped in creative juices, from the design to the heart-led business that called them into being and brought them into service. At the heart of everything we create is Ceremony where we take time to create , bless and encode all of our products with prayers, intentions and love.

My prayer for humanity is that we all find our way to heal, restore and remember who we are. That we return to a deeper more connected way of living that reconnects us to this beautiful planet, and that we discover a way of living where the heart leads the way. I pray we learn to trust it.

Unease in the soul is disease in the body

Blessings and deepest love

Founder and Director of garden of alchemy ltd

view Our products.

The Garden of Alchemy Apothecary creates products using the finest ingredients, always organic, ethically and sustainably sourced where possible. Click on the images below to learn more.