The Power of Essential Oils

To make essential oils, the plant is either steamed or pressed, concentrating its essence. Some of these compounds hold the plant’s aroma but there are also other therapeutic actions locked inside.

Essential oils are not regulated and require high volumes of the plant to produce its essence. This means it’s important to invest in a high quality, ethical essential oil to get the best therapeutic effect. We work with pure essential oils from a transparent source to create our unique blends on a base of skin healing coconut oil. If we’re to truly honour the spirit of plants, we believe that their source is vital.

Essential oils have been used in traditional practise to treat mood disorders, insomnia, aches, and skin conditions (particularly) for thousands of years. Aromatherapy is highly effective for treating the emotional body because these powerful scents travel up the olfactory nerve straight to the amygdala sending chemical messages to the limbic brain (the house of emotion).

used for millennia to
treat mood disorders, insomnia,
aches and skin conditions.

Learn about our oil blends

  • Working with the lower energy centres in the body Earth uses roots, barks, and resins to promote feelings of safety. In alchemy, the Earth element corresponds to North and the winter season.

    Earth oil is a gift for us to slow down, gather our internal resources and find protection.


    Cedarwood, Siberian fir, Black spruce, Douglas fir, Copaiba, Vetiver, Arborvitae, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cyprus, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Buddha wood, Ho wood, Palo Santo, Sage, Birch, Rosewood, Turmeric, coconut oil.

  • Working with expression and the mind, Air uses fresh herbs like mint and melissa to support focus, clarity and direction. In alchemy, the Air element corresponds to East and the spring season.

    Air oil is a gift for us to open up to new ideas and explore.


    Lemon myrtle, Basil, Cilantro, Fragonia, Laurel, Lemongrass, Manuka, Marjoram, Melissa, Palmrosa, Patchouli, Pettigran, Ravensara, Spearmint, Rosemary, coconut oil.

  • Working with the heart and the solar plexus, Fire is a citrus and spice blend that invites action. In alchemy, the Fire element corresponds to the South and the Summer season.

    Fire oil is a gift to access strong feeling and activation.


    Wild orange, Bergamot, Tangerine, Lemon, Green Mandarin, Litsea, Lime, Elevation blend, Coriander seed, Star Anise, Pink pepper, Juniper berry, Grapefruit, Black pepper, Turmeric, Cardamon, Citrus bliss, Frankincense, coconut oil.

  • Working with the gut and the heart, Water is a flowery blend that brings stored emotions to the surface and smooth transitions. In alchemy, the Water element corresponds to the West and and the Autumn season.

    Water oil is a gift to help you flow smoothly with the tides of change.


    Geranium, German chamomile, Jasmine (diluted), Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Rose, Ylang ylang, Yarrow, Clary sage, Iris, Myrtle, Manuka, Canaga, coconut oil.

  • Use the dropper to release 3 drops onto your palm, rub your palms together to create some friction and activate the full fragrance.

    Cup your palms in front of your face and take 3 long deep breaths to start your daily practice or set your intention.

    This is how we use our oils in ceremonies, but you can also apply it topically on the skin, add to wax melts, or combine with Epsom salts in a warm bath.

    We have sat in ceremony with this recipe for months before sale but recommend using one drop the first time to test for skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Not intended for internal use. If you are under special care consult with your physician before use.

Our Blends.

We work with pure essential oils from a transparent source to create our unique blends. If we’re to truly honour the spirit of plants, we believe that their source is vital.


A soothing and calming blend to help you find your flow. Reach out to water to connect to your emotions and release hardship.


An expansive and refreshing blend to invite uplifting energies. Air oil is a perfect meditation companion to clear the mind and call-in clarity of mind.


A passionate and motivational blend to ignite the fires within. Energise your soul and burn through obstacles with this fiery blend.


A grounding, supportive blend to drop you into the arms of Mother Earth. This oil is a great tool to find feelings of safety and root into your space.

Further Products.

The Garden of Alchemy Apothecary creates products using the finest ingredients, always organic, ethically and sustainably sourced where possible. We not only source the finest ingredients, everything about their production is steeped in creative juices, from the design to the heart-led business that called them into being and brought them into service.

Click on the images below to learn more about our other products